In the summer of 2004, Justin and his dad went on a two week backpacking trip with his Boy Scout troop to the scouts Philmont Ranch. This was to be 11 days of hiking with all your supplies with you. Each person carried all they would need including food and water. On the way out to New Mexico from Kansas, Justin called his mom to tell her that he had fallen on a short hike and broken his leg. He was pulling her leg, but always enjoyed trying to fool someone or pull a harmless prank. Mom was always one of his targets, he loved to tease her. They had a good laugh and off we went. About three days later, on his 15th birthday, Justin was on a rock climbing wall during our adventure and fell and ended up with a spiral fracture of his wrist. Being in the middle of nowhere, it was quite an adventure to get him off the mountain and to a doctor. Once he was down, Justin had to eat a little crow, call his mom and convince her that this was not another prank, he really did break his arm!